Understanding the Validator Lifecycle
When you stake an Ethereum validator, it goes through several stages, each representing a specific point in its lifecycle. Understanding these stages is important for understanding your annual yield and earned rewards. The table below outlines the key statuses a validator may encounter during its lifetime, along with relevant details on the fee pool mechanism where applicable.
Validator Lifecycle

Status | Description | Fee Pool¹ |
pending_initialized | The validator is in the queue, waiting to be activated. This occurs after the deposit is made. | |
pending_queued | The validator is in the activation queue, awaiting eligibility to start validating. | |
active_ongoing | The validator is actively participating in the network, validating transactions, and earning rewards. | The validator will join the fee pool at midnight |
active_exiting | The validator has initiated an exit and will stop participating after completing the exit process. | The validator will exit the fee pool at midnight |
exited_unslashed | The validator has successfully exited and is no longer validating. | |
withdrawal_possible | The validator's balance is now available for withdrawal after successfully exiting. | |
withdrawal_done | The validator’s balance has been withdrawn, completing its lifecycle. |
¹ - Fee Pool is an additional feature. You can read about in the Fee Pool: Maximizing Execution Layer Rewards.
If you don't know how to check the status of your validator, refer to the Monitoring Your Validator page.
Updated 5 months ago