Fee Pool: Maximizing Execution Layer Rewards
The fee/MEV smoothing pool is designed to maximize execution layer rewards by pooling the rewards of multiple validators. Lucky validators earn rewards for proposed block once or twice annually. Stakefish Fee Pool allows validators to participate in the smoothing pool to contribute their execution layer rewards (including MEV and priority fees) to a shared pool.
Key Benefits:
- Increased rewards for validators: By pooling resources, validators get a more consistent share of execution layer rewards, even if they individually experience fluctuations in fee income.
- Ideal for Customer Staking: When multiple customers stake validators, the smoothing pool becomes even more efficient, balancing out variations in rewards across validators.
- Earn commission from Fee Pool: You can set up a commission rate, ensuring that a portion of the execution layer rewards is distributed directly to you.
This approach makes sense for customers staking multiple validators, as it provides more predictable rewards and ensures that high-performing validators can contribute to others, smoothing out variations in reward distribution.
Updated 5 months ago